This is the complete list of members for Roar::Session::Implementation, including all inherited members.
buffer | Roar::Session::Implementation | |
headerParser | Roar::Session::Implementation | |
Implementation(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket &&socket, boost::beast::flat_buffer &&buffer, std::optional< std::variant< SslServerContext, boost::asio::ssl::context > > &sslContext, bool isSecure, std::function< void(Error &&)> onError, std::weak_ptr< Router > router, std::shared_ptr< const StandardResponseProvider > standardResponseProvider) | Roar::Session::Implementation | inline |
isSecure | Roar::Session::Implementation | |
onError | Roar::Session::Implementation | |
routeOptions | Roar::Session::Implementation | |
router | Roar::Session::Implementation | |
standardResponseProvider | Roar::Session::Implementation | |
stream | Roar::Session::Implementation | |
withStreamDo(FunctionT &&func) | Roar::Session::Implementation | inline |